The 6 Critical Areas Every Single, Dating, Engaged and Even Newlywed Must LEARN, HEAL & DEAL With In Order To Have The Fulfilling Marriage They Actually Want
Many people are on the fast track to relationship and marital frustration and they don't even know it.
What's more sad is that its not just that frustration can come from CHOOSING the wrong person but from
BEING the wrong person.
Most singles, dating, engaged and even newlyweds underestimate these SIX CRITICAL AREAS. The result?
The relationship and marriage suffers.
This practical AND biblical masterclass has the insights you need to work on that.
During This Webinar We'll Cover
Not just what those 6 areas are but WHY they matter and HOW they show up
The best way to LEARN, HEAL and DEAL with those 6 critical areas
What it will mean for your life when you Learn, Heal and Deal with them
A revelation I got when 500,000 people read an article I wrote
How to prepare for marriage in a way the average relationship event couldn't do for you
How to BECOME the partner you want in marriage
How to get a clearer (and more meaningful) vision of what you are looking for in a spouse
How to become more equipped to fight the spiritual battles in marriage
An amazing way to meet and get to know other like-minded people who are on the same journey as you
Healing and having more closure from past relationships
A tool that will help you acquire the specific spiritual, financial, relational and communication tools you need to take into marriage
A system that shows you how to position yourself and your future marriage to operate in the Grace of God.
A tool that will help you articulate the values that drive your life and communicate that to your significant other
Your Webinar Host
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